
A verified list of places to stay in close proximity to Husaini Masjid, Colombo

Hotels in Colombo

To ensure the comfort and convenience of all Mumineen attending Ashara Mubaraka 1446H, we have compiled a list of hotels. These hotels have been selected based on their favorable rates and the quality of their facilities.

Jetwing Colombo Seven

57 Ward Place, Colombo 07
0112 550 200

Sheraton Colombo Hotel

Hotel Sapphire

Global Towers

Radisson Hotel

Colombo Court Hotel and Spa

The Kingsbury Colombo

The Galadari

Granbell Hotel Colombo

Cinnamon Red Colombo

Ramada by Wyndham

Cinnamon Grand

77, Galle Road, Colombo 03
11 2 497 361
077 3 956 326

Fairway Colombo

Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo

Galle Face Hotel

Accommodation Assistance

The Accommodation Team is working diligently to ensure that the facilities in all major hotels hosting our guests meet our standards. This also includes the following aspects:

  • Ensuring all food options are halal

  • Reducing or eliminating all music and entertainment elements to maintain a conducive environment

  • Ensuring that rooms are free of any non-compliant items like minibars 

  • Coordinating with hotels to provide free transportation wherever possible

  • Ensuring that all guests receive the highest level of hospitality and that all expected facilities are provided

  • Discussing about any additional facilities that might be needed with the hotel management